Monday, September 7, 2009

TAK!! DIA TAK TAU!! is hari utk bersyukur i many alhamdulillah that i wrote and, alhamdulillah again..hehe..this year, i got the chance to do my 1st i left the kids to k. nurul's house because she didn't fast..and then anak dara dia pulak took i juz left them to be huru-hara with the the As..hehe..and plus, it's the last chance that i got to be a makmum for Adan before he fly..alhamdulillah, dapat lar berjemaah dgn hubby, apak and mak jd makmum Adan kat surau Taman Melewar tue..merasa lar jugak...

So..last night, after iftar, i went back and get ready to go to terawikh..rupa-rupanya kakak also is preparing herself to got for terawikh..alamak!! and i was already in my telekung..since day 1 i did my terawikh, i kept thinking, i can bring the kids..the can sit here..i juz have to bring this and that and make them leka..and my hubby, like any other jemaah, keep saying NO!! but last night, i became usual me, a stubborn cold hearted DENG..hehe..i want to bring the kids..i know i can managed them..i know..yes..i can...

And we all went to the surau..aneen was kindly so so lar, dpt ikut daddy pergi pray nie..and ayyen, being himself, excited lar dpt naik car..what he knows is nothing like us lar obviously

With giler penuh debar i brought them into the pray hall..i felt like all eyes were staring at me..auntie ati, one of the jemaah said, "bawak escort hari nie deng.." "a'ah..x ada org nk jaga hari nie.." makin kuat i we did our 1st, it was tenang seketika, because they both asking for their milk..and after a while, the long nigt began..hahahaha..very long u know...

I was praying with all others, but my eyes like watching them..with the perangai kacau calling mummy..mummy lg..and they sat near me..playing my head and touching my body..ok lar tue..the worries came when they started doing it to others..alahaiiii..seriously, i know what i read but i dunno what i read..haaa..faham?? hahahahaah..right after i gave salam, straightly i bulllaaaat mata pandang diorg..both were stunned..and i marah lar them..adoiii..letih tau jd mummy garang nie..jiwa dan hati kacau dan terganggu...

While waiting for the time to terawikh, the surau called an ustaz to give ceramah on Nuzul supposed to be for half on hour..but i think it was longer..hehe..and, the kids warmed up with few jemaah and making friends..adoiiii..why we should stay with the garang mummy if other people can smile and play with us?? i think that was what they both had in mind last nite..

And again, it's time for i brainwashed them..pesan, ugut all complete..and rayyan was like a nice boy, sitting there and very behave..aneen was being her own notti 1st she started playing with the chalks and the blackboard (surau nie punn kelas agama budak2 sekolah rendah yg kain merah tue..)..thou i warned her earlier dun play with the chalk aneen, it's dirty and poisoned..but since the thing can make them ralit, i juz let them be lar..main lar aneen..lps nie i'll was your hand..

Not long after that and my nightmare began..buhsan giler rupanya main dgn chalk and blackboard they started running straight in the two saf..ya allah..i can't wait to finish this 2 rakaat terawikh..the moment i gave my salam, i heard a lady shouting, "apa lari-lari nie?? tak tau ker orang tgh sembahyang??" huhhh..amik ko..i looked at the lady..another lady was holding aneen and saying to her, "pergi kat mak, duduk kat mak.." nicely..unlike the shouted one..i straightly bukak kain, take my things and them and we went out from the hall..

So i stayed outside the hall..also got jemaah praying there..we also cannot go down because, there also got jemaah down there near the stairs..and i juz sat there with the kids..simpan mrh tue utk makcik tue and kept marah the kids..and this one nice lady tny asked me do u want to pray?? i said blh jugak..because at the moment, his son was sleeping on the she moved her son and gave place to me..i warn the kids, "Duduk diam..kalau tidak sleep dalam toilet malam nie.."

Finally i got the chance to finish my terawikh..alhamdulillah..while i was praying, i heard them talking..yes, i do heard them..hahaha..khusyuk?? what is that?? "aneen..opah mana??" "opah kat dalam.." "where??" "kat dalam.." and my eyes saw ayyen got up and on his way to the pray hall tadi, straightly i stopped sembahyang and tarikh ayyen..he cried..NO WAY i'm gonna let them to go into that hall again!! so there goes my terawikh and withir for last night..


Mak was really tak puas hati..she kept repeating what the lady said.."mak x kenal siapa dia..sebelum nie x ada punn..siapa entah dia..esok mak nk cari.." hahahahaha..emo seorang opah..and mak also said, "mak punn marah jugak budak2 bukan mcm tue.." hahahahaha..

And i'm thinking of bringing them again tonite..hahahahaha..bukan nk sembahyang punn, tp saja nk buat that lady hangin x tentu pasal..boleh??

Down here i quoted some hadiths on the matter..

Dari Abdullah bin Syidad dari ayahnya berkata, "Pada suatu ketika Rasulullah keluar untuk mengerjakan solat Zuhur atau Asar, beliau membawa cucunya Hasan atau Husein, lalu maju ke depan dan meletakkan cucunya kemudian bertakbir. Ketika sujud, beliau sujud lama sekali hingga terangkat kepalaku. Terlihat olehku, ternyata sang cucu sedang berada di punggung Rasulullah, maka aku pun kembali sujud. Setelah selesai solat, para jamaah bertanya, ‘Wahai Rasulullah, lama sekali Anda sujud hingga kami mengira bahawa telah terjadi sesuatu atau wahyu sedang diturunkan kepadamu.’ Rasulullah menjawab, 'Semua itu tidak terjadi, melainkan ketika itu cucuku sedang berada di punggungku dan aku tidak mahu mengganggunya hingga dia merasa puas bermain-main." (HR Ahmad, An-Nasa`i, dan Hakim)

Dalam riwayat yang lain dijelaskan;

Hadis riwayat Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu 'anhu : ia berkata:Bahawa Nabi saw bersabda: Apabila salah seorang dari kalian menjadi imam, maka hendaknya ia memperingan solatnya, kerana di antara mereka ada anak kecil, orang tua, orang lemah dan orang sakit. Bila solat sendirian, maka soatlah sekehendak hatinya

(HR Bukhari)

Begitu pula, beliau saw pernah meringankan bacaan dalam solatnya, ketika beliau mendengar tangisan anak kecil;

Abi Qatadah Radhiyallahu 'anhu mengatakan bahawa Nabi saw bersabda, "Aku sedang mengerjakan solat dan mahu memperpanjangnya, namun aku mendengar tangis anak kecil. Lalu, aku ringkas (ringankan) solatku, kerana aku tidak senang untuk menyusahkan ibunya."

(HR Bukhari).

Bahkan, Amr bin Salamah, yang ketika itu berusia 7 tahun, menjadi imam untuk solat berjamaah.

Dari Jabir bin Abdillah bahawa Amr bin Salamah radhiyallahu a''nhu berkata, "Aku telah mengimami solat jamaah di masa Rasulullah saw sedangkan usiaku saat itu baru tujuh tahun. (HR Bukhari).

So daddy, boleh lar kita bawak lagi the kids tonite, kan??


lin said...

gile seh..kalau i ..i dah gaduh dalam surau..hhaahah..i punye kesabaran tak berapa nak tebal..haha..tapi takpelah deng u dah beralah tu..kire oraitlah..

Dang Fatiha Subkylatifputri said...

hahahaha..xde beralah mananya..malas nk bising lbh2 jer lin bcoz most of makcik2 lam tue mmg deng kenal dr kecik..except for that lady deng x kenal sapa..mak punn blk umah d whole nite duk bising sapa dia tue...

Tentang Buku said...

kat arab tu mmg derang bawa anak kecik pi solat..

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